Beginning January 1, 2011, a driver found guilty of driving 40 mph or faster over the speed limit in Illinois will no longer qualify for court supervision, which keeps moving violations off a driver’s driving record. The maximum penalty for driving 40 mph or more over the speed limit is up to a year in jail and a $2,500 fine. The toughest penalty for going at least 30 mph over the speed limit is six months in jail and a $500 fine. As a Chicago personal injury lawyer, I know from experience that speed causes injuries and sometimes kills. The law firm of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. has handled numerous cases for individuals injured by persons driving in excess of the speed limit, especially on residential streets. For too long in the Chicago area speeding has not been taken as seriously as it should be, given the injuries and deaths that speeding has been responsible for. A Chicago Tribune study of state police tickets, license data and court records demonstrated that Chicago area judges gave supervision to about two-thirds of drivers who were driving over 100 mph. Senate President John Cullerton D-Chicago who sponsored the new law specifically cited the Chicago Tribune’s article as inspiration for the tougher law.