The Chicago Department of Transportation recently announced that a record 11 million trips were taken on shared ride scooters and bikes in 2024.  That compares to 8.7 million rides that were taken in 2023 and represents the fourth straight year that use of ride share services have increased.   The personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. note that the city of Chicago has made a concerted effort to expand its Divvy bike and scooter docking stations.  The city has stated it has a goal of adding 400 more docking stations in the near future which will most likely increase usage of ride-share services even more. Part of the plan is put more Divvy stations at key transportation hubs like CTA and Metra stations.

Though Divvy bike docks are open year-round, riding Divvy bikes and any other bikes in the winter in Chicago is especially challenging.  The special challenges are as follows:

  1. Slick Surfaces

Winter driving in Chicago can be dangerous. Icy roads, heavy snow, and freezing temperatures create challenges that demand preparation and vigilance.  As Chicago plaintiff personal injury attorneys at Zneimer & Zneimer P.C., we’ve seen many cases where the accidents were causes by icy roads. With proper preparation and safe driving techniques, you can reduce the risk of accidents and stay safe on the road. Here’s how to prepare your vehicle, drive safely, and be ready for emergencies this winter season.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter Driving

Before the first snowfall, it’s essential to ensure your vehicle is winter-ready. Use this checklist to prepare your car:

Cualquiera que circule por Western Ave. en Chicago ha notado toda la construcción que se está realizando a lo largo de las aceras para agregar salientes de bordillo y otras adiciones diseñadas para favorecer a los peatones. Los salientes de bordillo son bordillos que se extienden hacia la calle, creando más espacio en la acera en las esquinas. Según el sitio web del Departamento de Transporte de Chicago, la filosofía detrás de los salientes de bordillo es que hacen las calles más seguras y reducen las lesiones de peatones que resultan de ser atropellados por un automóvil:

  • Reduciendo la velocidad del tráfico al estrechar la calle.
  • Obligar a los conductores que giran a reducir la velocidad para completar los giros.

Los abogados de resbalones y caídas de Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. observan que los casos más comunes de lesiones en propiedades son las caídas en escaleras. Bajar escaleras es intrínsecamente peligroso, ya que una caída desde cierta altura genera la fuerza necesaria para causar esguinces graves, fracturas y traumatismos craneales. Caminar por las escaleras requiere equilibrio, coordinación y concentración. Si las escaleras son resbaladizas o tienen defectos como cemento agrietado o iluminación inadecuada, las caídas son más probables.

Los peligros de las escaleras inseguras

Cada año, miles de personas sufren lesiones debido a escaleras inseguras. Según el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad, las caídas son la segunda causa principal de muertes relacionadas con lesiones no intencionales en los Estados Unidos. Las escaleras son particularmente peligrosas, y una investigación de la revista American Journal of Emergency Medicine estima más de un millón de lesiones relacionadas con escaleras anualmente.

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common types of personal injury cases in Illinois. They often occur in grocery stores, big box stores, Targets, Home Depot and all other stores open to the public. Injuries can be serious, such as broken bones, head trauma, or spinal injuries. These types of cases can be difficult to prove so it is important to hire experienced slip and fall lawyers such as Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. to handle your case.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are often caused by dangers that could have been prevented with proper care. Common causes include:

The slip & fall attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. note that the most common premises injury cases are falls on stairs.  Walking down stairs is inherently dangerous since a fall from heights creates the force necessary to cause serious sprains, fractures and head traumas.  The act of walking downstairs requires balance, coordination and focus.   If the stairs are slippery or if there are defects such as cracked cement or inadequate lighting, then falls become more likely.

The Dangers of Unsafe Stairs

Every year, thousands of people suffer injuries due to unsafe staircases. According to the National Safety Council, falls are the second leading cause of unintentional injury-related deaths in the United States. Stairs are particularly dangerous, with research from the American Journal of Emergency Medicine estimating over one million stair-related injuries annually.

Written and reviewed by Peter Zneimer

You are visiting at a friend’s house and as you are walking down their front stairs, you slip and fall on ice and break your arm. Do you have a cause of action against your friend for your injuries?  That is a common question that the personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. receive during winter months.  The answer is: “it depends”.

In Illinois, landowners and occupiers have no common-law duty to remove natural accumulation of snow and ice from their property.  Additionally, even if the landowner has made an attempt to clear ice and snow but did not clear it all, the landowner is not liable for any injuries caused by slipping and falling on that ice or snow. See the case of Murphy-Hylton v. Lieberman Management Services, Inc., 2016 IL 120394.  This “natural-accumulation” rule was further codified for owners of residential units in the “Snow and Ice Removal Act” 745 ILCS 75/1 which states that the owner of a residential property who removes or attempts to remove ice and snow from his or her sidewalks shall not be liable for personal injuries caused by the icy or snowy condition.

You buy a new car and you finance it and make your payments every month.  You drive a lot and put 60,000 mile on your car in one year. Then one year later another driver runs a red light and slams into your car.  You, thankfully, are not injured, but your car is a total loss. Good thing you have full coverage.  You insurance company evaluates your car and determines the value of your car is $15,000 and will cut you a check for that amount.  Unfortunately, you still owe $20,000.00 on your car.   You complain about the settlement offer but the insurance company points out that they are only liable to pay the value of your car, not what you paid for it and directs you to Kelly Blue book to verify what your car is worth. You may ask how can I protect myself from incurring a loss in this situation.  The personal injury Lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer, P.C, have encountered this scenario quite a few times and the first thing we ask our clients is whether there was a GAP insurance policy in effect at the time of the accident.

What Is GAP Insurance?

GAP insurance“Guaranteed Asset Protection” is a type of auto insurance coverage that protects car owners from financial loss if their vehicle is totaled or stolen and the payout from their standard auto insurance doesn’t cover the full amount they owe on the car loan or lease.

Written and reviewed by Peter Zneimer

Anyone who commutes down Western Ave. in Chicago has noticed all the construction being done along the sidewalks to add curb bump-outs and other pedestrian friendly additions.  Curb bump-outs are curbs that are extended into the street, creating more space on the sidewalk at the corner.  The philosophy behind curb bump-outs according to the Chicago Department of Transportation website is that the bump-outs make the streets safer and reduce pedestrian injuries that result from pedestrians being hit by a car:

  • Slowing down traffic by narrowing the street

You conscientiously pay your auto insurance premium month after month. You pay extra for full collision coverage.  You have never made a claim in years. Then for no fault of your own, someone driving with no insurance rear-ends your vehicle.  You are taken to the emergency room in an ambulance and your car is totaled.  This is the time when you need your insurance company to come through for you.  However, you call the insurance company and wait on hold for 45 minutes.  The insurance company takes forever to adjust your claim and when they finally make an offer it is for far less than your car is worth on your car damage claim and they contest your personal injury claim, only offering nuisance value that doesn’t even cover your medical bills.   At this time your are wishing that you had picked a better insurance company, even if it would have costed a little more. Completely frustrated, you call the Illinois Department of Insurance to make a complaint but you are told that your complaint will be recorded but the agency is too understaffed to do anything about it. The Illinois Department of Insurance used to post complaint ratios of insurance companies to advise consumers of which insurance companies received the most complaints, but stopped doing that in 2020.

The Chicago Sun-Times  recently did a study of Illinois Department of Insurance data and determined a small number of substandard insurance companies account for a large percentage of the customer complaints. The Sun-Times decided to analyze the raw data from the departments webpage themselves for the years 2021-2023 from the departments website.  The study revealed that eight substandard insurance companies accounting for 5.28% of the of the passenger car liability insurance market accounted for an stunning 40% of the complaints filed.  The study used a formula to compare companies.  The complaint ratio was calculated by taking the number of complaints divided by the amount of premiums paid in millions of dollars. Below are the substandard insurance companies that received the most complaints:

  • First Chicago Insurance of Bedford Park ranked highest in complaints in Illinois in 2023 with 180 complaints according to the Sun-Times article, with the highest complaint ratio of 5.14 which was 39 times higher than State Farm.
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