Multi-tasking is nothing new, and nowadays, the busier our lives become, the more we try to squeeze into a day. Unfortunately, many view driving as a time where they can get from point A to point B, while also performing a task and/or checking an item off their ‘to-do’ list. Few would dispute that driving while distracted, and they accidents caused by such behavior, is certainly on the rise.

Cosmetic application; personal hygiene; searching for lost items; fidgeting with control devices in your car; eating, and sometimes while attempting to use condiments or cleaning a food-related spill or mess—we’ve all seen it or may even be guilty of it ourselves. Distracted driving has been around as long as automobiles have. Add in technology, though, now we have an equation for disaster. How many times have you seen a motorist engaging in a distracting activity WHILE ALSO utilizing a mobile device? Undoubtedly, most have witnessed such behaviors in the past, if not on a regular basis.

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The Chicago Car Accident Attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. know that being involved in an auto wreck is stressful enough, in and of itself. For many victims, understanding legal rights, entitlement to financial compensation, and the claims process in general, can caused added anxiety during a period that is difficult. Similarly nerve-wracking can be the process of selecting a lawyer—and not just any lawyer—but one that has the legal know-how to maximize your financial recovery, while also providing you with the personal attention you need to have peace of mind. Our firm offers both.

For those reading this following an auto accident-related injury or death, you probably already know the benefits of pursuing your claim through an attorney-represented approach. Arriving at this conclusion is the easy part—however choosing a car accident attorney in one of the largest cities in the U.S.— this can be challenging. However, by knowing what to look for, particularly with regard to attorney advertising techniques that may be potentially deceptive, misleading or illusive, selecting legal representation can become less of a challenge, and more of a process of elimination. Just a few things to take into consideration are:

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Over our decades in practice, the Chicago Personal Injury attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. have taken note of many unwarranted, and often peculiar defenses asserted by defendants, both in the criminal and civil setting. While our firm’s primary focus resides in providing representation to clients in civil proceedings, it is not uncommon for a civil matter to be closely connected to a criminal matter. Consider an auto accidents involving an impaired driver; nursing home abuse involving a sexual offender; or an attack by a dog that was trained or known to be vicious, to name a few.

Here, we limit our discussion to the topic of hit-and-run collisions, in which a driver flees the scene, but then later claims that they didn’t know they hit someone. The possibility that a law-abiding motorist could collide with an individual, and not be aware, seems highly improbable. Although unawareness of striking a victim is conceivable, these incidents are far and few between, and limited to exceptional circumstances. Let’s explore the ‘I didn’t know,’ or ‘ignorance of incident’ defense in regards to both criminal culpability and civil liability.

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The Personal Injury Attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. take note of the alarming number of accidents involving pedestrians that have taken place throughout the Chicago Metropolitan area this month. Nearly every one of the victims in these incidents suffered fatal injuries, demonstrating the high risk of death for a victim that is struck by a vehicle in a pedestrian accident. Even more disturbing, is that many of these crashes involved motorists that made the callous and heartless decision to flee the scene, and leave their victim to die, rather than stopping to render assistance.

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As Dog Bite Attorneys, Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. recognizes that breed-specific legislation has been a highly debated topic in the Illinois, specifically in regards to pit bull and rottweilers. However, the state has continued to reject the necessity, effectiveness and constitutionality of statewide breed-specific legislation (BSL) for more than a decade, stating “it’s the deed, not the breed.” While local municipalities have the authority, granted through ‘home rules,’ to enact ordinances to regulate the residents within the boundaries of their jurisdiction, there are currently only a handful of cities and villages in Illinois that have BSL in place. While this may change in the future, questions remain regarding the benefit of polices that completely restrict a particular breed, which many equate to the efficacy that gun-control and drug laws have had on thwarting the actions of persons that engage in unlawful drug or gun related activities.

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The Chicago Trucking Accident attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. take note of a recent incident between a semi-tractor trailer and a passenger vehicle. According to reports, a minivan became embedded behind a semi-truck, and was subsequently dragged for miles, apparently due to the trucker’s complete and utter obliviousness of the fact that a collision had occurred.

As depicted in a highly disturbing 911 call, a minivan struck the rear-end of a semi-truck, as both vehicles northbound in white-out conditions, along I-75 in Michigan. In the van was a family of four—the husband-driver, his wife, and their two small children. In calls to 911, the wife states “We ran into the back of a semi-truck and he’s not stoppin’, and our car is embedded underneath of it,” followed by the husband stating “If the van breaks out from underneath him, I don’t have any control of this thing.”

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The potential for an auto accident during the winter season is concerning no matter where you live. However, the Automobile Collision Attorneys, of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C., feel that the large quantity of streets, roads, and highways, as well as sheer volume of traffic in the Chicagoland area, present unique concerns over the risk for collision associated with winter weather conditions. By taking the proper safety precautions, we can all aide in the reduction and prevention of injuries and fatalities caused in weather-related motor vehicle crashes this winter.

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As the season of gloom and doom starts, the Chicago Automobile Collision Attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. remind motorists to use caution when traveling in inclement weather. According to the Federal Highway Administration, close to 6 million accidents occur each year, and of these, nearly a quarter are weather-related. NHTSA reports that more than 6,000 persons are killed, and close to half a million people sustain injury due to weather-related crashes, on average, each year. Although a large percentage such accidents are attributed to rainfall, many car wrecks also occur due to winter weather conditions (i.e. snow, sleet, ice, slush).

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With the cold weather upon us, now is a good time for motorists to inspect their vehicles and ensure preparedness for the winter season, particular with regard to tires. The Chicago Automobile Collision Attorneys, of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C., discuss some Tire Safety Tips in hopes of promoting awareness, improving safety, as well as reducing injuries and fatalities associated with car accidents, for the residents of Chicagoland and surrounding communities.

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The Bus and Train Injury Attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. take note of the continued increase in Chicago Transit Authority employee firings, since 2011, when Forrest Claypool took over as president of the agency. According to reports, roughly 900 CTA employees have been dismissed under Claypool’s watch, a significant portion of which were related to violation of agency rules. As personal injury lawyers, we certainly welcome Claypool’s efforts to clean-up the transit authority. Yet, when considering both the reasons behind such dismissals, as well as the reinstatement of approximately a fifth of these workers, we remain concerned over the safety of public transportation passengers.

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