Written and reviewed by Peter Zneimer, Zneimer & Zneimer P.C.
From experience, the auto accident lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. have observed that hit and run accidents are common in Chicago. While most people will stop after an accident and exchange information, there are irresponsible drivers who will simply take off. Some drivers will simply not stop and take off from the start. Other drivers, however, stop briefly then think about it and then take off. Others stop and state that they are going to pull their car to the side of the road and then drive off without exchanging information. That is why it is important not to trust the other driver and be sure to get photos and videos of the other driver’s license plate and vehicle immediately and photos of the other driver. Why is it important to get a photo of the other driver? After we track down the owner of the car through the Secretary of State with the license information, it is not uncommon for the owner of the car to completely deny they were driving the car and the time place of the occurrence. Then when we make a claim with the other driver’s insurance, the insurance company will deny the claim because the owner tells their insurance company that it was all a mistake since they were not involved any accident. Nothing settles an insurance claim faster than presenting the insurance company with videos or photos of their insured at the scene of the accident. The insurance company now knows that their client is dishonest, and are then eager to settle the claim.
What if the other driver takes off and you are unable to get a license plate number? If you drive and have insurance, then your uninsured motorist coverage will cover medical expenses for injuries arising out of a hit and run. In hit and run cases it is important to notify the police immediately and make an accident report. Be sure to document the scene with photos of your vehicle and the scene of the accident. Next, it is very important to notify your own insurance company immediately. Some insurance companies, especially substandard insurance companies, have a very short time frame to notify them regarding a hit and run and they will deny coverage if you report past their short time frame. Keep in mind, some insurance companies are looking for any excuse to deny coverage so when you report the accident on the phone, be sure to document when the call was made and who you spoke to. Always be sure to get a claim number from the insurance company because that will be how the case is tracked. Be sure to follow up with a written notice of claim sent by certified mail if that is what your insurance company requires. The bottom line is to be sure you are complying with the notification requirements of insurance policy to avoid having your insurance company deny insurance coverage.
The statistics bear out that the city of Chicago has a big problem with hit-and-run accidents. From November 1, 2017, through October 31, 2021 Chicago police reported 439,688 car crashes in Chicago. Of these, 130,536 were hit and run crashes.
Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer such as Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. can help assure that you obtain a fair recovery. Zneimer & Zneimer will:
- Notify your insurance company: We will make sure all notification requirements are complied with.
- Investigating the accident: We will talk to witnesses and most importantly track down any surveillance footage that may identify the fleeing driver.
- Obtain medical bills, records and reports: We will collect all medical evidence and all other evidence of damages, and we will submit a demand package to the insurance company.
- Negotiate a settlement: We will negotiate with the insurance company with the goal of obtaining the maximum recovery.
- Handling Arbitration: If necessary, we will proceed with an arbitration against your insurance company.
If you have any questions, you can call the personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.