There is growing concern nationwide over laser treatments being performed at medical spas, also known as medispas. Laser hair removal procedures are being done by individuals who may not have any medical expertise and may not be properly trained in the use of lasers. Several people have suffered burns and scarring as a result of laser treatments that were not safely performed.
A survey of members of the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery done in 2003 showed a 41% increase from 2001 in the number of patients seeking medical help for skin treatments that were improperly performed by nondoctor technicians.
Procedures that effect the structure or function of the skin, such as laser hair removal, qualify as medical procedures as defined by most state medical boards. This means that the procedure must be performed by a doctor or supervised by a doctor. States have different rules about what constitutes supervision, and in many states a doctor may only be at a spa periodically. If a problem should occur during treatment, a doctor may not be there to help.
Before you have any laser treatment done at a medispa, it is in your best interest to find out if a doctor is at the spa when the procedure takes place. Consumers should also have a consult with a doctor before any laser treatment. Also, do some checking up on the spa you intend to have your laser treatment done at. Find out the qualifications of the individual who will be doing the treatment. Improperly performed laser treatment can cause serious burns. If you are considering this procedure, make sure the people who will be involved in your treatment know what they are doing.