You buy a new car and you finance it and make your payments every month. You drive a lot and put 60,000 mile on your car in one year. Then one year later another driver runs a red light and slams into your car. You, thankfully, are not injured, but…
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Chicago Accident Lawyer Blog
Chicago Adds Pedestrian Infrastructure to Improve Safety
Written and reviewed by Peter Zneimer Anyone who commutes down Western Ave. in Chicago has noticed all the construction being done along the sidewalks to add curb bump-outs and other pedestrian friendly additions. Curb bump-outs are curbs that are extended into the street, creating more space on the sidewalk at…
Substandard Insurance Companies Log Numerous Complaints in Illinois
You conscientiously pay your auto insurance premium month after month. You pay extra for full collision coverage. You have never made a claim in years. Then for no fault of your own, someone driving with no insurance rear-ends your vehicle. You are taken to the emergency room in an ambulance…
¿Se Debería Permitir a Los Niños Montar en Patinetes Eléctricos?
El uso de scooters eléctricos ha aumentado dramáticamente en Chicago en los últimos años. La popularidad de los scooters eléctricos ha sido impulsada por la introducción de servicios compartidos como Divvy, Lime y Spin. Estos scooters se dejan en las aceras y calles y se pueden desbloquear con una aplicación…
Peligro Peatonal
Escrito y revisado por Peter Zneimer En los últimos años, Chicago ha invertido mucho en mejorar la seguridad en los cruces peatonales. La ciudad ha agregado señales en muchos de los cruces. Algunos incluyen advertencias de que es una violación de la ley estatal no detenerse para los peatones en…
“Los SUV Son Peligrosos para Otros Coches en la Carretera.
Las leyes de la física se aplican a todo, incluidos los accidentes de vehículos. Cuando un SUV o camión de 5,500 libras choca con un automóvil que pesa 3,300 libras, es de esperar que el automóvil sufra más daños y, en consecuencia, es más probable que el conductor…
Are Zero Bike Deaths Possible in Chicago?
Written by Peter Zneimer Chicago has had only 0ne bicyclist fatality in 2024 as of September 16, 2024. Though any bike death is a tragedy, that number is a vast improvement from previous years. According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, Chicago reported seven bicyclist deaths in 2023, 10 deaths…
SUVs Dangerous to Cars on the Road
Written by Peter Zneimer The laws of physics apply to everything including vehicle crashes. When a 5,500 pound SUV or pick-up truck crashes with an automobile weighing 3,300 pounds you would expect the automobile to sustain more damage and consequently the automobile driver is more likely to be injured or…
Melbourne Bans E-Scooters for Safety Reasons
Chicago has witnessed a dramatic increase of e-scooters riders on the roadways and bike paths in recent years propelled propelled by e-scooter ride share companies like Divvy and Lime setting up stations. With increased number of e-scooter riders, the e-scooter injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. has also observed…
Motorists in Chicago Do Not Stop For Pedestrians in Crosswalks
Written and Reviewed by Peter Zneimer Chicago in recent year has invested heavily in improving cross walk safety. The city has added cross walk signs to many crosswalks. Some have included warnings that it is a violation of state law not to stop for pedestrians in a cross walk. The…