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Chicago Accident Lawyer Blog


Illinois Passes Law To Restrict Cell Phone Use While Driving

Chicago car accident lawyers, Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. applaud the Illinois Legislature for passing a law amending the Illinois Vehicle Code to prohibit anyone from using a wireless cell phone while driving a vehicle within 500 feet of an emergency scene. An emergency scene is defined as one where an…


Laundry Detergent Pods Present Hazard For Children

According to a report recently released by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were 1,008 cases of detergent poisoning among kids during a 30-day period this summer. Of these cases, 486 were caused by the new brightly colored laundry pods that have been heavily marketed lately and which young…


Court rejects arbitration clause in wrongful death case against nursing home

The decedent, Joyce Gott suffered a nursing home injury and subsequently died. She was admitted to Odin Healthcare Center, a nursing home in Odin, Ill., in 2005 and again in 2006. Joyce had signed an arbitration contract with the nursing home, which provided that for any amount in controversy of…


Chicago Unveils Pedestrian Safety Plan

The city of Chicago unveiled its first ever pedestrian safety plan according to the Chicago Sun-Times. The “Zero in Ten” program would identify high risk intersections and then would implement safety changes to try to bring down pedestrian deaths down to zero. Safety changes could include “lagging” lanes for left…


Taxis Involved In 1 Out Of 4 Pedestrian Crashes In Chicago Loop

Chicago pedestrian injury lawyers, Zneimer & Zneimer noted an article in the Chicago Sun-Times that reports that according to Chicago Department of Transportation, more than 3,100 pedestrians were injured in downtown Chicago since 2005. Of those, more than 400 of those or about 13 percent suffered serious injuries or fatal…


DREAMers, Childhood Arrivals, and the Need for Competent Legal Representation

Senator Dick Durbin and Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez have taken an extraordinary position in advising against hiring an attorney. This statement is ill advised, irresponsible, and harmful. Immigration law is extraordinarily complex. With “only a small degree of hyperbole, the immigration laws have been termed ‘second only to the Internal…

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